The Home

The tempo of the world continues to quicken, the number of cars, roads and people increases - our cities start to resemble anthills. The idea that the home serves as a refuge and a sanctuary becomes a literal truth. Landscapes and Gardens provide beauty, function, a sense of shelter, gathering spaces, and a quiet contemplative to observe nature.

The Balance of Three

The best outcome for projects occurs when equal proportions of consideration and respect exist between the three main entities:

The Site Landscape Character
Natural Conditions
The Client Objectives
Commitment Level
The Designer Design Instinct
Aesthetic concerns
Functional Considerations

East and West

Geographically, the Pacific NW region is equidistant between Europe and Asia. In Architecture, Cuisine, Art, Landscape, ...we are influenced by both cultures, and are fortunate to be able to draw from both. European, American and Asian aesthetic ideas can be combined in a manner that are not easily identified as being one or the other, but can form an integral whole composition.

The Site

Each Site is unique. Each has it's own history and characteristics. Throughout the ages battles have often been fought over land. Even the most mundane suburban lot represents a piece of the Earth's finite landmass, and affords views of the stars and moon. Changes to any site should be performed with forethought, patience and respect.


Of all the economic eras this country has witnessed (Colonial, Agricultural, Industrial, Technological, Financial), the Agricultural era had the most desirable effect on the American landscape. The farmhouse with it's barns, hedgerows, orchards, fields and stone walls, forms idyllic images loved by many. It could be argued that the subsequent periods have a marked increase in prosperity, but at the cost of the erasing the rural landscape left by the Agricultural period. In Landscape Architecture, we can utilize some of the landscape elements that gave farms their beautiful, rustic, functional simplicity.


The changes to a landscape should be subtle in nature and join the surroundings with harmony. One of the best compliments I received on a landscape goes something like this: "I really can't remember how it was before, it seems like it was always like this." The placement of overbearing landscape elements threatens the beauty of the site. The use of restraint is key in an ever busier world.

Natural vs. Manmade

On each site a balance should be obtained between human uses of land and that set aside for nature. Humans require organized spatial environments that are defined, functional and maintainable. Nature enjoys a less controlled and wild, soft environment. The juxtaposition between these, respectively, hard and soft landscapes, has a beneficial effect on each other and should be considered for each project.


In travels and explorations, observations of the natural and man made environments serve as a source of inspiration and material for deeper thought. Through the taking photographs and notes, I am able to record these observations and images.

image gallery
ironwood tree